Friday, November 27, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  I hope you were able to spend time with family and friends, if not in person than at least in your heart. I had a great day.  My husband and all the kids sat around the table.  Everyone brought something to share.  We were missing a few grandchildren unfortunately but we still had a great time.  And the food was great.  I have so many things to give thanks for this year.  Health, home, family, friends, work, life, and the universe.

As far as blogging I have recipes starting to stack up that I need to post.  School's been a little heavy with homework lately.  I hope to have more time very soon and I'll get to work putting the post up.

I didn't eat raw for Thanksgiving.  Did anyone reading eat raw?  I would have liked too but none of the kids eat raw and it's their Thanksgiving also.  I use to beat myself up if I messed up and didn't have raw.  But I'm learning that for me its okay to be 'high raw'.  That's mostly raw but some cooked foods also.  I just make the cooked food healthy choices.  In fact I have a vegan cooked soup recipe that I made the other day that I need to post.  It was soooo good. 

Every individual has to decide what works best for their own body.  What feeds their soul and their health.  If eating healthy is your goal then you're on the right track.  I may end up all raw someday and that would be awesome but it's about the journey of life.  Being exactly right isn't the goal.  Being healthy, happy, and striving to grow is the goal.

Enjoy your day, your week, your year, your life!!

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