Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Life is a vacation. Enjoy it!

Life is a short visit or vacation on this planet.  And I know when I go on vacation I’m more relaxed.  I don’t take myself so seriously.  If I don’t follow the plan exactly it’s okay, whatever happens will be fun and exciting.  So why don’t I live my entire life this way?
That’s my current goal.  Life really is for the living. 
I think my biggest problem is that I have so many things that I want to experience in life that I would have to live to be 230 years old to do it all.  And then I probably wouldn’t be able to do the entire list because the list would have grown.  But I’m working on trying as many things as I can.  And the things that seem to work for me I’m doing more of, looking into them deeper, expanding my knowledge of them.  The things I try, even if they were things I thought were ‘really it’, I’m attempting to let go if they don’t seem to fit me once I’ve experienced them.  
Like hobbies I’ve done in the past.  I have had some wonderful hobbies.  Things I wish I still had time for.  But there are many more hobbies that I’d like to try out.  Something has to go. I can’t put my heart into so many things at one time!  
And I love to try new things.  It’s one of the joys in my life.  
Although the biggest joy in my life is my family.  No matter what, they are my biggest love.  My heart beats in time with the beat of love.  The universe is so full of wonder and excitement.  And there is no bigger excitement or thrill than opening your heart to family and friends.  

So while you’re on this vacation, on our glorious planet, remember to allow your heart to open to new experiences and most of all to family and friends.

try cutting a few of your herbs from your garden and making a bouquet as I did below.  They don’t always have to go in your recipes.  The fresh scent is lovely. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


We had a jam packed summer.  I've hardly been home to enjoy my garden...and boy that hurts!

When I have been home I've been working on new raw food recipes! ♡ Oh but that has been fun and rewarding :)

We have been so many places and enjoyed so many activities that I'll never remember them all.  I mentioned in my last post that we had been hiking, camping, having birthday parties, and summer fun.

That was fun :)

After that (and I hope I have all this in order) we were able to go, (Bill, Cathy, and myself) on a Tall Ship for lunch over on the other side of the state.  It was my sister's wedding anniversary.  We spent the night and shopped in Bay City and Frankenmuth which is always fun.

Plus we got to watch the July 4th fireworks from Bay City!  They are the best fireworks I have ever seen!

Okay.  I seem to have photo's running down in a row on my blog page.  I'm trying to group them together but can't figure out how to do it ~ ugh.

Anyhow, back to our summer :)

It was wonderful!  And I have so many more things to show you that I think I'll make the rest another post.  I hope you summer has been grand!

Enjoy life!
Live Well!
Sing Loud!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14th 2010 - Still learning about the new website.

Hi Everyone!!!

I wanted to fill you in on what's going on a bit.

At the moment I am grateful to finally have my website up and running.  There is still more to learn.  At this point I still need to add recipes for you, shopping, and a contact me page.  At this very moment I'm sitting in the Apple store learning what I can and can not do.

As far as what's happening... I've been working on creating recipes for a new ebook!  Enjoying the summer!  We've been camping (in horrible heat), spending time with family and friends, went to a water park, had summer picnic birthday parties, and hiking!  So far summer is wonderful!!!!  I hope your summer is as good.

I'm sorry this is so short but I'm spending most of my time trying to work on the website. :)

Enjoy Life!
Live Well!
Sing Loud!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I missed you

It's been a while since I've been on my blog.  I have to admit that I've been disappointed with my settings for this blog.  I have something set incorrectly and have been struggling to figured it out with out success.  So it turns out that it is hard for anyone to find me.  I've decided to keep posting for now and possibly move the blog to a new location.  If this is the way I end up doing it I will copy and paste all the information so no one loses anything.

That being said, I'm having some trouble posting my link for the vita-mix.  You really want a vita-mix, or you would if you knew how great they were.  I can no longer work without it.  I have many recipes that call for using the vita-mix and believe I need to get them posted so you can have access to them.  I want to give it a couple of more days of trying to get the link up and running first.

also, in the meantime... I have started taking an on-line class that I am loving!   Its about running a raw food business on-line.  I finish massage therapy school in April 2010.  I gave notice at work that the middle of March is when I am finished working there.  This will allow me to concentrate on my blog, start a website, start offering classes and massages.  I CAN NOT WAIT!!  I am so excited about life right now!!!  And I hope you are also!!!

Now, I have one more issue at the moment.  We bought a brand new computer.  It's an Apple which is our first Apple.  We both love it.  But I am learning how to use it.  One of the things I have not learned yet is how to upload photo's.  I have a ton of pictures in this computer but when I try to post one, the machine wants to post the entire album.  I WILL figure it out.

So I haven't abandoned you.  I'm just out learning.

Enjoy life!
Live Well!
Sing Loud!

Friday, November 27, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  I hope you were able to spend time with family and friends, if not in person than at least in your heart. I had a great day.  My husband and all the kids sat around the table.  Everyone brought something to share.  We were missing a few grandchildren unfortunately but we still had a great time.  And the food was great.  I have so many things to give thanks for this year.  Health, home, family, friends, work, life, and the universe.

As far as blogging I have recipes starting to stack up that I need to post.  School's been a little heavy with homework lately.  I hope to have more time very soon and I'll get to work putting the post up.

I didn't eat raw for Thanksgiving.  Did anyone reading eat raw?  I would have liked too but none of the kids eat raw and it's their Thanksgiving also.  I use to beat myself up if I messed up and didn't have raw.  But I'm learning that for me its okay to be 'high raw'.  That's mostly raw but some cooked foods also.  I just make the cooked food healthy choices.  In fact I have a vegan cooked soup recipe that I made the other day that I need to post.  It was soooo good. 

Every individual has to decide what works best for their own body.  What feeds their soul and their health.  If eating healthy is your goal then you're on the right track.  I may end up all raw someday and that would be awesome but it's about the journey of life.  Being exactly right isn't the goal.  Being healthy, happy, and striving to grow is the goal.

Enjoy your day, your week, your year, your life!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

my brother's blog

Hi everyone!  It's a great day for blogging.  It's chilly outside and I would like to be curled up in a blanket with my laptop on my lap.  However....  that is not going to happen for me today.  But I do have the opportunity to work on this post.  So I'm taking advantage of that and putting in a shameless plug for my brother and my sister-in-law.

I just found out today that my brother started a blog.  He is writing reviews on Sci-fi and Sci-fi fantasy, Medical, Suspense, Mystery, and Commentary books.  He is also writing about Grand Rapids, Sandy's (his wife) website, his life, the good and the sad, arts, medical reform, and epilepsy (the sad). 

His blog is:
I hope you'll visit it and leave him a comment with your thoughts on his work.  You'll learn from visiting his blog that he is working on writing a book himself.  I happen to know that he is getting fabulous reviews from professionals that have critiqued it for him.

Sandy, his wife, is a wonderful artist who takes old pieces of abandoned furniture and brings them back to life, often to a life better than they had when they were first create. 
Her website is:
Her work is unique.  All her work is hand painted fun, creative pieces that are worth taking a trip over to her website to see.  She will also take furniture that customers bring her and match them up to favorite fabric and ideas that the customer has in mind.

I know my blog is about raw foods and health but I couldn't pass up the chance to spread the word for the people I love, my family.  I hope you'll check out these 2 sites and check back in with me again.  I have several recipes I need to get posted, along with photo's and !!!! I'm so excited !!! a link to Vita-mix with a free shipping offer that they are letting me pass along.

talk to you soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

health bennies of eating apples

I love apples. And I love eating what is in season. The fresher and more local the better. It's better on my taste buds and better for my health...and yours.

It was a marvelous green smoothie this morning. I told myself to wait until I could post the photo along with it but I just can't stop myself from posting it now! Not only did it taste great but it was full of health benefits that I just had to share. Of course it had all kinds of great things in it but today I’m only focusing on the benefits of apples.

I usually have a green smoothie most mornings. And I often vary them a little just to shake things up. That way I don't get bored and stray from eating healthy and fresh foods.

I wasn't in the mood for my 'usual'. So I looked around my cupboards for something new to put in my Vita-mix. This is what I put in there:

1 Honey Crisp Apple
1 Banana (frozen) (peeled prior to freezing)
2 Kale leaves
1 T Agave
2 T coconut oil
3 T goji berries
2 T cocoa nibs
1 T grated ginger
2 T raw almond butter
1 T flax seed oil

Cut the core out of the apple and place the rest of the apple in the Vita-mix. Add all remaining ingredients except water. Fill blender to the 40 oz mark and blend on high.
If you use some other brand of blender besides a Vita-mix the smoothie may not be as smooth or easy to drink.

(After recipe please see note at bottom about the dangers apple seeds and the benefits of apples.)
Test taste and adjust amounts to your liking.

(If you don't have a frozen banana you can use a fresh one)

Super easy, super nutritious, super fast.

A vita-mix can even blend the apple seeds and some people may tell you that they are healthy for you. But apple seeds contain something called cyanogenic glycosides which is a cyanide containing compound. As you may know cyanide is a poison.

Most of us have probably ingested an apple seed or 2 in our time and our bodies have neutralized it or passed it through our systems without harming us. In small amounts you would probably be okay but large amounts can actually kill you. Don't risk it with your children or pets; they can not handle the same amounts as a healthy adult.

Some of the symptoms you may find from ingesting too many apple seeds could include seizures, headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, fluctuations in heart rate, changes in breathing rate, changes in blood pressure, vomiting. Consume enough seeds and you may develop breathing problems and then death may follow.

Okay now that I've given you the down side (which isn't even a down side as long as your remove the seeds which most of us have always done) let me give you some of the benefits of eating Apples. And, thankfully, there are many benefits. And I'm talking besides how beautiful they look and wonderfully sweet and juicey they taste and smell.

Most of us have heard of the fiber and antioxidants that apples contain. But did you know they also have a flavanoid called phloridzin. Phloridzin is found only in apples and it is believed phloridzin may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may increase bone density.

Apples contain Boron. This is an ingredient that strengthens bones.
Research has found that children with asthma who drink apple juice on a daily basis suffer less wheezing than children who don’t drink apple juice as often. Children born to woman who frequently eat apples have lower rates of asthma.

Apples contain quercetin which may protect brain cells from the free radicals that may lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
The pectin in apples (fiber) can lower LDL cholesterol. (That’s the bad stuff)

There is a study of 10,000 people who ate apples. Of those 10,000, the ones that ate the most apples had a 50% lower risk of developing lung cancer. This is believed to be due to the flavonoids quercetin and naringin which is found in high amounts in apples.

Another study, by Cornell University, using rats found that by feeding rats apples everyday they lowered the risk of breast cancer up to 44%.

According to the University of California, Davis Medical Center, eating as part of your diet can reduce the marker for heart disease in only a few weeks.

One study fed rats an extract from the apple skins and had a 43% lower risk of colon cancer.

The fiber from apples helps a digestive system stay healthy.

One study found that feeding an extract from apple skins had a 57% lower risk of liver cancer.

Galacturonic acid is the main feature of pectin. Galacturonic lowers the need for insulin. So apples may help with diabetics. (always check with your doctor first)

By filling up on fiber rich apples a person can lose weight faster!

So let’s revisit this list. Apples appear to help with or help prevent the following: Asthma, Bone strength, Alzheimer’s, Cholesterol, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Colon Cancer, Liver Caner, Diabetes, and Weight Loss.

Apples are full of Antioxidants. What do antioxidants do? They run around your body trapping Free Radicals and stopping them from damaging your cells.

Anyone want an Apple? No wonder the saying goes… An apple a day…

Sorry I seem to have gone off in a tangent but health is very important to me. And sharing what I learn is also very essential to me. So next spring when you see the apple trees in blossom and you’re enjoying the beauty of it you can rejoice in the knowledge that those pretty little sweet smelling buds are growing true health gems for you come fall.