Monday, October 5, 2009

The Best Sundried Tomatoes Ever!

I made the most marvelous sundried tomatoes!!!  They were absolutely awesome.  I could hardly wait to get the recipe posted. 

We have a wonderful garden this year.  We have had plenty of tomatoes growing in it.  We have the big juicy tomatoes and then we have some wonderful small (but not as small as a cherry tomato) tomatoes.  I was a little disappointed with them because they don't turn that marvelous red, yet they aren't the yellow non-acid ones.  And their flavor is not what I was hoping for.  But they were very abundant!  I didn't want to waste them so I filled a huge basket full of them, brought them in the house and decided to play.

The recipe for this is easy.  There are no measurements.


as many Tomatoes as you have (best not to use the real juicy ones.  they don't turn out as well)
cold press olive oil
Italian spice
sea salt

You will need a dehydrator.  I use an Excalibur.  I have had others but once I got my Excalibur I gave the other ones away.  The 9 tray is the best.  If you don't already have one ~ you will fall in love with it ~ and you will find yourself filling every single tray on that baby.

I promised to add links for the equipment I use.  Here is a link to Excalibur.

These tomatoes are about 2.5 inches across.  I sliced them into three slices.  I spaced them out on my Excalibur on a teflex sheet.  Some touched but none overlapped.  It makes it too hard to dehydrate that way.


Drizzle the olive oil over them.  (Drizzle is a line or two across each slice. Don't over pour. And don't cover them in oil)
Sprinkle the remaining ingredients over each slice.  How much you use is a personal choice.  It depends on your taste.  Spice them up.  I went fairly heavy with spice on mine, especially the Italian spice. 
Place in dehydrator at 105 degrees.  Leave them in overnight.

Take them out in the morning and place in a container with a good seal.  Store in fridge.

I used them on salads.  In sandwiches.  Ate them all my themselves as a snack.  Add them to your wraps if you do raw food.  And to your scrambled eggs if you eat cooked (and egg).

I'm not sure how long they keep I can't keep them in the fridge long enough to find out!  They're going to fast!  You will love them!



Selena's Raw Kitchen of Love: "The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison." --Dr. Ann Wigmore, N.D said...

I order sun dried tomatoes on-line. On my list to make, thanks.

Brightest Blessings~

cathy said...

I'm glad to hear you like the recipe. You'll love them.
So easy. Thanks for following.
